Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It's A Book!

If you ever need to explain what a book is to a child - here is a video for the book, It's a Book by Lane Smith.


  1. I thought the Leveled Book Database would be a really helpful link because I always worry about the reading level of books. Unfortunately the three books I tried did not seem to work so the link in not as helpful as I would have liked.

  2. This is a very cute video ! It doesn't give a very intricate definition of what a book is, but I think that can be a good thing. For kids to see and try to find ways to define the significance of books for themselves, it can sometimes be good to leave room for students to find their own approaches to it. It is a good idea to get them to know how to be autonomous.

  3. (I also like the brownbookshelf link ! )

  4. I like this trailer! The way technology is, children are so consumed by it. This reminds children that books are fun too and they do not need to be charged or plugged in. This serves as a reminder to teachers and children to encourage reading.

  5. I thought this was really cute! It's a great way to introduce children to the world of books. It discusses the various advancements in technology and shows children that books can be just as cool as the internet.

  6. This is really cute. It is funny and kind of picks on our society. It is important though for children to still know what a book is and read an actual book.

  7. I felt that this video was a really fun and helpful way to explain what a book is to a child. The way they define what a book is in this cartoon isn't a very detailed explanation but sometimes children need simplicity in order to grasp a concept easily. Children also like cartoons and being able to visualize things so this video definitely seems like it would be something of interest to them.

  8. This video was adorable! It shows how children in this time are becoming more focused on technology and are forgetting the simple joy of a book. I think every teacher should read this to their students to remind them that free time activities do not have to involve technology!

  9. This video was really cute and a helpful tool to use to explain to children what is a book. Technology os taking away the simple joy of reading from children. This video will help to remind children there are a lot of activities that do not involve technology.

  10. This is a funny way to approach this topic. Technology has taken over so much in our world today and we may not realize how much it effects even children. More and more technology is being brought into schools and being shown to the younger generation, so this was a creative way to remind them about something as simple as a book.

  11. This video was so cute! With technology taking over many fields this is a cute way to remind us all that simple things are still valued.

    I love, and appreciate, all of the effort you two have put into compiling such great resources! The section with links divided by content area is incredibly helpful as sometimes it can be difficult to figure out a creative way to incorporate literacy across the curriculum.

  12. This was an amazing video. It made so many good points. It is upsetting to see that so many children have been taught to use electronic devices only as a way to get information. I myself enjoy reading regular books because they are important for one's imagination. I know that sometimes when I see my 4 year old nephew, he is usually playing with his mother's Ipod. I just hope that children can get the same opportunities to read stories, rather than just rely on electronic devices all the time. Technology does give us an advantage with getting information quickly, but it is also good to stick to the classics, sit down, and read a good book.

  13. I really enjoyed this video! I wanted to see more and it brings excitement to the audience. If this was to be shown to kids, I feel that they would not understand some of the vocabulary depending their age. The animation was fun and enjoyable!

  14. This was a great video to explain what a book is to a child. This is very exciting to the audience and i enjoyed it alot. Technology is very interesting and fun too!

  15. I thought this video was a great example of how many kids take the power of books for granted! Many children are becoming so used to advanced technology that they seem to forget the basic, paperback book. This was really funny and it portrayed a great image of how many kids react to reading books today.

  16. This video was cute! I think it's a great idea for a book. I've never thought how I would explain to a child what a book was other than a story on pages. I think it's interesting that this video tells what a book isn't in a way that kids would find entertainging. It also shows a great contrast between technology and books, and how books might not have all the cool gadgets that technology has but they can still be fun.

  17. Throughout this video I was chuckling to myself. I thought it was sooooo cute! The illustrations brought to life the message being relayed about books. She is trying to convey the message that books are something just as important as modern electronics. It emphasizes the need for kids to look at reading as an important part of their life!
    -Diane Van Winkle
